
Mandala as a form of sacred geometry

12. September 2022.

What does mandala mean?

Mandala is translated from Sanskrit as a circle, a disk, it is a closed geometric system with elements equidistant from the central point. Mandala is a sacred symbol that is present in almost all spiritual practices and among many peoples of the world, a sacred schematic representation or design, geometry that can be seen everywhere, from the structure of the Galaxies to the structure of atoms.

Graphic representation of the Indian system of chakras, energy centers of human body

Mandala is a powerful tool of self-knowledge, helping to restore physical and mental balance, giving energy for the realization of intentions, or in accordance with its purpose, it can be the result of a spiritual experience or mystical experience. Art built on the principles of sacred geometry has a healing power that harmonizes and co-tunes the human energy field in unison with the mathematically perfect pattern of the Universe.

Mandalas can be created for various purposes, to express different intentions, to carry the energy of individual or universal requests. When a person creates his mandala, it helps to reveal his inner potential, the potential of his soul on the way to realization and health. The mandala can be used as a tool for meditation, to create a sense of inner peace and tranquility, to reduce stress and anxiety, to harmonize relationships with a partner, and to unleash creativity.

Mandala ”Prosperity”, author Irina Dubovskaya

Mandala can become a faithful assistant in life, giving energy, helping to become a real creator of your life, to see your path to abundance, and this is only a small part of the possibilities of using mandalas and sacred geometry in personal practice.

Sacred geometry is a reflection of balance.

The human world is dual, peace-chaos, life-death, light-darkness, man-woman, matter-spirit. If we consider the energy component of human reality, then this duality can also be observed there. There is constant movement in a person, and even if he is at rest - the heart beats, blood flows through the veins and vessels, the pupils react to the level of illumination, thoughts, words, images, memories of the past, dreams of the future are born. In all this movement of matter and energy, there is a movement of both male energy and female energy, and this is not about sexuality.

Fragment of the painting by Irina Dubovskaya mandala ”Yin-Yang”

Male energy is connected with the left hemisphere, this side of the brain, like the energy is practical and rational, is responsible for the right side of the body, because. energy channels intersect at the level of the cerebellum. For this reason, in all esoteric and energy practices and teachings, the right side of the body is a reflection of the balance of male energy and the left hemisphere.

On the other hand - female energy, more wild, passionate, emotional, creative. This type of energy is associated with the right hemisphere and the left side of the body.

Mandala ”Balance”, author Irina Dubovskaya

If a person has a balance and there is no predominance of one type of energy over another, and there are also no energy blocks, he is easily able to solve any life tasks, reacting rationally to the situation and using a creative approach.

The reflection of this movement can be considered on the example of the spiral of sacred geometry, as well as in the structure of the Flower of Life, where movement directly along the curve of the spiral will be a reflection of the movement of female energy, and movement in a straight line, from point to point, will be a reflection of the movement of male energy.

Flower of Life - Mandala of Creation

The Flower of Life is one of the key forms of sacred geometry, a graphic representation of the connection of all living beings in the Universe. It is believed that the Flower of Life is the actual blueprint of the universe, reflecting every atomic and molecular structure and form of life.

Flower of Life, sketches by Leonardo da Vinci

Modern science and quantum physics confirm the cosmic meaning of this ancient symbol, which contains the basic forms of sacred geometry and, in combination, the “building blocks” of the Universe, which are called “Platonic solids”.

Platonic Solids

Platonic solids are the basic forms of sacred geometry that have equal sides and surfaces, and if they are placed inside each other, all points of the internal form will touch the external form at the same distance from each other and from the center. The five Platonic solids have a perfect shape, all faces and angles of which are equal, and the faces are regular polygons. Platonic solids are considered the basis of everything in the physical world, revealing the unity of everything and all of them contain the Flower of Life.

Flower of Life

Geometrically, the Flower of Life is based on the principle of vesica piscia, which in Latin literally means “bubble of a fish” - this is the formation of two circles of the same radius, which are perfectly balanced, which is a reflection of the balance of the duality of the world in general and, in particular, is associated with the concepts of light and darkness, male and female.

Fliwer of Life, author Irina Dubovskaya

The Flower of Life is also known as the pattern of creation, it depicts how all life is born from one almighty source, reflects the connection with the source of life, this is represented by a circle in the very center of the Flower of Life, which is in absolute balance with the other circles intersecting with it.

In this article, I tried to consider the basic forms and concepts of sacred geometry, as well as their influence on a person and his relationship with life, in the future I will analyze in more detail the topic of sacred geometry symbols and the influence of individual symbols and mandalas on human consciousness and subconsciousness. I hope the article was useful and you learned something new for yourself. Thanks for your attention.

Data edited on: 12. September 2022.


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