
Sacred geometry

16. May 2022.

“The universe cannot be read until we learn the language and familiarize ourselves with the symbols in which it is written. And it is written in the language of mathematics, the letters of this language are triangles, circles and other geometric figures, without which it is not humanly possible to understand a single word ”- Galileo Galilei

Sacred geometry.

The Universe is space, and space itself has a geometry and consists of geometric shapes and their interaction.

Sacred geometry is a set of religious and mythological ideas about the forms and spaces of the world, its harmony, orderliness, proportionality, as the geometry of forms that underlie life. Sacred geometry is considered an ancient science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unite all living things, a science that reveals the exact way the energy of creation is organized. Sacred geometry can be either part of a mythological or religious worldview or the result of a mystical experience.

The reality around us is a reflection of the structure of the Universe

All nature is built on the principles of sacred geometry, as a reflection of the structure of the Universe, the mathematical language of the Universe, which is based on geometric shapes, fractals, repeating patterns and their relationships. Let us consider in more detail the basic concepts of sacred geometry, patterns and their connection with nature and man. The principles of sacred geometry have been used not only in all world religions, spiritual and mystical practices since ancient times, but also in music, art, architecture, iconography, in the geometric interpretation of the cosmos - as an ordered form of the Universe.

Golden ratio.

The basic principle of sacred geometry is the Golden Ratio and the mathematical expression in the Fibonacci Sequence.

The golden ratio is a reflection of the ideal proportional connection of objects, one of the most harmonizing laws of the Universe, which directs the ordering of the structure of the surrounding world and directs human life to development and growth. Depending on the proportions of the golden ratio of the bone tissue, where the elongated side corresponds to the short frequency of 1618:1. Proportionally increasing volumes with such an increase in the formation of spiral golden sections, which are very often found in nature and in the process of life and growth of the organism.

Golden Ratio Spiral

The spiral is the fundamental structure of the micro and macro world.

Fibonacci sequence.

The mathematical expression of the Golden Ratio is the Fibonacci sequence, where the ratio of a larger number to a smaller one tends to a constant Phi number equal to 1.618 ... and each next number is equal to the sum of the two previous ones.

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987…

Fibonacci numbers describe various phenomena in art, music and nature. For example, in addition to the proportions of the structure of spirals and the ratio of sides, their number on most cones, pineapples, flowers, the proportions of the arrangement of leaves and branches on the stems of many plants are equal to Fibonacci numbers.

Sacred geometry in nature

All information about the physical features of living beings is stored in a microscopic DNA molecule, which is also built in accordance with the Golden Ratio. The DNA molecule consists of two helices intertwined with each other, where the length and width of each of them correspond to the successive digits of the Fibonacci sequence, that is, the ratio of the length and width of the DNA molecule helix carries the Golden Section formula and tends to a proportion of 1: 1.618.

The influence of the principles of sacred geometry on a person.

The proportions of the golden section of sacred geometry underlie the structure and movement of life itself and of man in particular. It has been scientifically proven that just the image of a spiral built in accordance with the rule of the Golden Ratio has a beneficial effect on a person, his physical and mental state.

Nautilus shell - an example of the perfect spiral of sacred geometry

Man, as an energy structure and part of the Universe, is able to find a way to healing, revealing his potential through work with the forms and symbols of sacred geometry. Through observation and contemplation of the forms and codes of sacred geometry, a person is able to reveal deep wisdom, hear the voice of his soul, strengthen connection with the spirit and create harmony within and in interaction with the outside world. Working with symbols and codes of sacred geometry also has a healing effect, restoring balance at all levels.

Mandala ”Healing”, author Irina Dubovskaya, built ></p>
<p>A lot of symbols and forms have been used since ancient times to harmonize space, expand spiritual aspirations, and start healing processes in the human body. At the same time, there are universal symbols, such as a spiral or a flower of life, as well as individual symbols, mandalas, sacred codes, mandalas created on the basis of calculations using the Fibonacci sequence, which are created individually for an individual, in accordance with his intentions, requests, date of birth. and individual characteristics.</p>
<p>Universal symbols have a healing effect on everything that falls into their field of action, regardless of whether a person believes in the sacredness of this symbol or not, an individual sacred symbol will primarily affect the person for whom it was created, as well as those close in spirit of people.</p>
<p><img src=

Through observation and contemplation of sacred geometric symbols and codes, a person is able to learn deep wisdom, become open to life and the creation of the Universe itself. I have learned this through my personal experience and continue to learn in my journey of healing and creative empowerment along the way.

I hope the article was useful and you learned something new for yourself. Thanks for your attention.

Data edited on: 12. September 2022.


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